Friday, July 25, 2014

Do It!

Waking up around 8:15 am today (Vegas), I asked myself what should I do first (as all the things I thought I
need to do today came dashing before me). I had one in mind but was contrary to what I did actually. Why? because the moment I stood up, eyes half opened, my finger just pressed power button of my laptop (out of habit I guess) and instead of doing what I intended to do, I sat and waited for windows to display, then checked my emails and other stuff.

I opened my symbaloo (bookmarking apps) page and tried to check what I could possibly read before I get my coffee. Speaking of Symbaloo, I've been using this since 2009 as my personal learning environment (like my personal online library) as I like the simplicity of its design that even an elementary pupil could navigate it with ease ( I actually had my students use this for their bookmarking for all the topics we discuss in class). So back to what I was saying, I found one tile in my main web mix which I don't remember putting there. I clicked on it and it was a site I possibly saved for reference. Now, that really was a helpful reference as it helped me put the day's tasks in perspective.

Sharing. that's how my day will be today.

First stop - Algebra worksheets. No. Throwback first.

A little rewind, just a month after I got my Masters Degree in Special Education (2011), I was accepted to teach in the graduate school of the university where I got it. Teaching is something I love doing so I was so eager to do it. It's a state university so therefore requirements to be a faculty in the graduate school are relatively a tall order. I inquired about how the pay is determined and realized the more and higher credentials you have, the higher points you generate, the higher pay you get (we all want higher pay, include me in the list). So I started gathering my papers - diplomas, certificates, previous employment records, publications, research studies , and more.

Long story short, I skipped 3 levels and relatively had a higher pay than the usual first time graduate school professor. During the same time, my full time job was a faculty of a private school run by nuns. It might seem like I was all over the place, but actually I was! :) I couldn't say no to the School President, who I think trusted me that much ( and I couldn't dare fail her on that one), when she gave me all the tasks I had there - be in all the departments: Elementary, High School, and College. I commend as well the administrative skills of the Dean of College, Academic Coordinator, and Student Affairs Dean  as they were able to arrange my schedule perfectly.

As faculty of the Business Administration and Accountancy Program and the Teacher Education Program, I was handling major subjects for both (yeah, I know. Quite different programs but I qualify to teach in both departments as well as my Bachelor's degree is Accountancy and then took up Education, passed the professional teachers licensure exam, finished my Masters Degree (SPED), and now in Doctoral Program (PhD) for Educational Planning and Management (Leadership)). It struck me one day the reality that I DO NOT have the right (not even a privilege!) to stand in front of my students and teach the whole gamut of business when I for a fact have no business! For me that is total pretense and not giving the students a meaningful, relevant, and engaging education.

Now the world became more interesting.

I started thinking what business to get into so the next time I stand in front of my class, I would have a real business reference to discuss.

So I started brainstorming (with myself! that was weird.). The weekend ride to the university where I teach was the most conducive time to dig into the answer to the question what kind of business to get into as it was a 3-hour ride.

I had to consider the following in selecting the kind of business I would get into:
   => flexibility in time ( I can't do a 9-5 type of business. I had that before, didn't last long, kills me.)
   => it has something to do with what I love to do (read - - - something to do with children and fun for me)
   => i can do it regardless where I am, what time it is
   => transfer of skills to whom I will be doing business with
   => i'd be able to be with my kids yet still be in business
        (and if I get lucky, my kids would be involved one day)

Then one day it hit me. Franchise business. This was perfect for me. Suits all the points I raised above. The product? A system of tutoring children who have difficulties in Reading and Math. Because these are children with Learning Difficulties, provisions for concrete materials and supports system must be provided.

I was all so fired up because I get to integrate my M.A. thesis. I presented my research study in an International Research Conference and bagged a silver award for it. I told myself  not bad for a first-timer (the Platinum Awards was given to a State University President whose been presenting research studies in more than 3 international conferences. The Gold Awards still with another State U President with about the same credentials. Can't beat that for now. Patience.). That study was specifically intended for the High School department of the school where I worked. But it really didn't get into the implementation stage for a lot of reasons. I can't insist on it as well because it's not my school. But with the franchise business I was about to start, I could do it. May not be in full, but it's a start. Wherever it would take me, I was in for the ride.

So the research began. I was spending hours and hours of web time in between my work (break time when am in school and the whole night till about 3:00 am when at home). I started sampling the teaching method and the supports system I adapted for use in tutoring to my college and graduate school students, select parents in school, and teachers to see if it really works - and it did. That was very encouraging.

I rented the vacant unit on the second floor of the 4-door apartment me and my kids used to stay and used it as my workshop. It also eventually became my official office/training/demo/workshop center. I did the carpentry work for the math and reading materials (it's something i love to do as hobby - carpentry.) and hand-made myself all the paper-base materials as well. It's not work for me as it's something I have fun doing it other than the fact that I save  money for labor. Though, when the first two franchisees came up, I had to hire people to help in production (to make it to tutorial time which is summer time). My college students provided the human resource for that.

This is the 3rd year of the tutorial franchise (3 centers) and the 2nd year of the new product of that franchise business - school (2 schools). When we evaluated the operations after its first year, we found out that getting children to avail tutorial would be better if we have partnership with schools open to our system among other challenges (interesting year, mind you.). But that was not the case. schools tend to have their own tutoring programs. So I came up with a crazy idea (again!) of why not open a school that would fully implement the system I so long wanted to do?

And I did.

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