One night on our way home after attending a graduation party, we dropped by Starbucks to grab each a
macchiato coffee. We decided to sit for a while, drink our coffee, have a chit chat. That was when the idea of putting up an e-commerce business came into place. So there were three of us: a software engineer, an apprentice, and me. WE were all so fired up!
The next days have been all about materializing what we initially have discussed. I work fast. Fast, careful, precise. But then things happen (from other people's doing, though). Long story short, the software engineer has to beg off to buy peace (you got it right... it's from his side of story this mess all came up). So, the two of us (the young apprentice) were left, JUST LIKE THAT. I am no techie person (nor the apprentice). Good thing I am stubborn. It was like an eagle soaring with might on that wide horizon and BOOM! one wing shot. But not knowing about web business didn't hold me back. I insist and persist. Took one day at a time learning the web. Read. Practice. Read. Practice. Now I am getting the hang of it and starting to appreciate and starting to have fun doing it. Not only did the young apprentice and me pursued, other friends, too, are helping us out now. Mr. software engineer WILL come around soon. In this world, we build alliances than enemies. Better world.
So, Lesson 5 is Subtracting Jacks As Part of Set- up. You take away jacks because the equation makes you do so. Meaning? If the equation says 2x - x (on one side) then what you do is take away first the "x" from "2x" so that leaves you with "x". Then you proceed on doing the expression on the other side. That, then, is your set up. Only when you're done with this that you start applying "Legal Moves-Jacks" and "Legal Moves-dices". Remember, your objective is to put all the jacks in one side while the dices on the other side. Keep taking away until you see this two on opposite sides by themselves.
Hands-on Equations!® Additional Student Kit
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Algebra Play Series by The Worksheets Box
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