I'd say I have been into different kinds of work in my lifetime, which to a typical mind one would have the
impression, "what again are you doin' this time?". See, I had that mind set also before that when you say focus (in whatever you do), it means just one thing and get it. So translate that into school time, typically it means - graduate then find a job, stick with it, until you earn more. Focus. Didn't have that direction. My focus was find what I am really good at, nail it, make a difference. That took me into different kinds of work (trying to "fit" at first, later trying to see if I would like to be in those kind of work for a long time) yet not losing my focus - what am really good at. Slowly, I realized all those time I spent with extremely incompatible works (from theatre arts to corporate executive secretary, to selling fruit salad ice cream???) that it was an exposure to the skills I need to be where I am right now (am in a good place that's why we're here and able to share materials that would hopefully help your days with kids).
Today, I couldn't see that focus anymore. I am living my focus - found what really I am good at, nailed it (which I do earn good so to speak (that's a bonus!), and it's like not working as it's something I love to do and have fun as well). I do make a difference in other people's lives (help empower women by helping them build their own business, for one), and will continue doing it while I can.
So, here's the 3rd installment of the Algebra worksheets I made, Lesson 3 - Legal Move - Jacks.
In this lesson, what you need to tell the children is that whatever you do to one side of the balance, you do the same to the other side. You remove jacks from one side, you do the same to the other side. (Subtraction Property of Equality)
Hands-on Equations!® Additional Student Kit
(you can use this for now)
Leave a message or email at theworksheetsbox@gmail.com for more info on the full workbook content.
Algebra Play Series by The Worksheets Box
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